发表时间:2017-01-24 10:50:01 发表作者:phpcms 浏览次数:
Use of soft film smallpox is extremely wide, can be used in office, hotel room and living room, so don't know if you want to use Restroom piamater ceiling? This article for you to analyze this issue, the answer to this question is yes, mainly in line with the characteristics of the toilet.
① 有很多个种类和颜色,很适用于家居装潢变化的需要,使得设计的方案更多。
There are many types and colors, it is suitable for the needs of home decoration changes, making the design more.
② 软膜天花具有防霉与抗菌的功能,很符合现代人对于卫生间环境的卫生需要。
The antifungal and antibacterial function with soft film smallpox, is in line with the modern environmental health needs for the bathroom.
③ 软膜天花是经过抗静电处理的,表面是不会吸油烟与灰尘,清洁起来比较方便,适合卫生间的需要。
The soft film smallpox is through antistatic treatment, the surface is not oil smoke and dust, clean up more convenient, suitable for the bathroom.
④ 能够配合家居装潢里面很多个种类的灯光与通风装置的安装。
It can cooperate with Home Furnishing decoration inside a lot of kinds of lighting and ventilation installation.
⑤ 软膜天花的表面通过防霉处理,不能由于潮湿而有凝结水,可以应用在卫生间的需要。
The surface of the soft film smallpox by mildew treatment, not due to moisture and condensed water can be used in the bathroom need.